Let’s turn now to turnkey contracts.

These are the contracts we most commonly use, here at Opes Partners.

This is important because even though turnkey properties are signed at a fixed price, there are ways a developer can increase it.

And most people will think: “How can you increase the price of a fixed price contact?” Isn’t that impossible?

Let’s explain.

What it comes down to is, in some contracts there is time between when you lock in your contract unconditionally and when the developer becomes unconditional.

Can Developers Increase The Price New Builds?

Usually, a developer will go unconditional a short while after you have signed your end of the deal. That means you can’t cancel the contract, but the developer can.

I see your eyebrows rise, but this lag can be for a lot of genuine reasons.

As an example, perhaps it’s because the developer needs a certain amount of presales locked in before the bank will lend money for the project. In this instance, they may need those few months just in case they do have to cancel the contract, because they can’t secure the money for the build.

Or, it could be the developer needs to get resource consent and may need to have the flexibility to change some things in the contract if there are unforeseen problems.

While these reasons are genuine, the risk here is that the price of materials goes up during this period.

The developer can then cancel the contract and ask you to re-sign at a higher price. If you don’t they’ll sell the property to another purchaser.

To give an example, let’s say you’ve signed the contract but a few months later the developer comes back to you and says: “I’m sorry, we have to cancel your contract. Here’s a new contract that is $20,000 more because it covers our cost increases”.

This usually happens in a hot market, where a) costs of building increase, and b) the developer has the confidence that they’ll be able to sell the property even if they raise the price.

What Happens If I Don’t Want To Pay The Increased Price?

Then don’t.

Unlike Progressive Payments contracts, you don’t have to take on the extra cost. You can choose not to sign the new contract and walk away.

The price increase the developer asks for can be unlimited, since the increase doesn’t come from a specific clause, it comes from cancelling the existing contract.

Hmm … New Builds Sound Too Risky, I’m Tapping Out.

Yes, we get it, while there are a lot of positives to buying New Builds – lower deposit, newer, great tax incentives, low maintenance – they do come with a certain amount of additional risk.

Now you might say “I want to hold out until I get the perfect contract where the developer carries all the risk.”

You probably don’t want that to happen. Why? Because if the developer takes on even more risk, they will hike up the price to compensate, so they have more of a buffer when things go wrong.

So, it’s about finding a middle ground. You don’t want to transfer all the risk, but you do want to feel comfortable with the amount of risk you are signing up for.

And, it’s equally important to not be blindsided when something comes up unexpectedly for you.

The risks you take on are going to be specific to the wording in your contract, which will be different between buyers. This is where you want to be speaking to your property lawyer when negotiating the contract.

What Can I Do Ahead Of Time To Protect Myself?

The main and most important factor to minimise the risk to you is to work with a good quality property lawyer - someone who specialises in build and turnkey contracts.

They will be able to spell out what the fine print says, and let you know what you can do to amend your contract to make clauses more reasonable.

For example, striking out some clauses and amending others to include evidence for price increases.

Be aware, these changes might not be accepted by the developer, but at least with a property lawyer you are completely aware of the risks you are taking on and have a chance to change them.

Here at Opes Partners we say: “The quality is in the contract”.

If you want a recommendation for property lawyers, we have reviewed the top 5 property lawyers in NZ.

Final Thoughts...

In conclusion, all the reporting on the risks of New Builds, and the myth of the non-existent fixed fee contract – are true.

Yes, New Builds do come with a certain amount of risk. But these risks are born from the benefits they also carry.

While you can’t do much about the rising price of building materials, you can minimise the risk with a good quality contract.

And having a great property lawyer on your team is a must.

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Laine Moger

Journalist and Property Educator, holds a Bachelor of Communication (Honours) from Massey University.

Laine Moger, a seasoned Journalist and Property Educator with six years of experience, holds a Bachelor of Communications (Honours) from Massey University and a Diploma of Journalism from the London School of Journalism. She has been an integral part of the Opes team for two years, crafting content for our website, newsletter, and external columns, as well as contributing to Informed Investor and NZ Property Investor.

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