When you take out mortgage protection insurance, you agree on how much income you are insuring.

That means you don’t have to prove you are earning a certain income when you make a claim.

That’s different to some other types of income protection insurance. In those cases, you need to prove you were recently still earning that income when you make a claim.

But, the biggest difference is that you can claim mortgage protection insurance on top of ACC.

So if you get injured and ACC pays you, you can still get paid through mortgage protection insurance.

How much does mortgage protection insurance cost?

It’s really difficult to say how much mortgage protection insurance costs. There are a lot of factors that impact how much you pay.

Here are a few scenarios:

Scenario #1 – Steve is in his 20’s. He pays $27 a fortnight

Steve is a plumber. He is 24 and earns $80k a year (before tax).

He can insure himself for up to $36k (45%) of income. His fortnightly premiums could be:

  • $27 a fortnight if he wants his insurance to pay him for 5 years
  • $36 a fortnight if he wants his insurance to pay him until he turns 65

So, the cost of his insurance ranges between 0.9 – 1.2% of his pre-tax income.

Scenario #2 – Karen pays $115 a fortnight for her mortgage protection cover

Karen is 45 and works in accounts. She earns $120k (before tax). She decides to take out mortgage protection insurance of $54k. Her fortnightly premiums are:

  • $75 if she wants her insurance to pay her for 5 years
  • $115 if she wants her insurance to pay her until she is 65

So, the cost of her insurance ranges between 1.6 – 2.5% of her pre-tax income.

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What are the pros and cons of mortgage protection insurance?

Mortgage protection insurance isn’t for everyone. Let’s take an honest look at the pros and cons.

Pro #1 – You agree on your income straight away

Mortgage protection insurance is an agreed-value product. That means the income you insure is agreed upfront.

If your income goes down, you don’t need to prove you are still earning that higher income.

Pro #2 – You don’t pay tax on your payout

If you do need to make a claim (and get a payout), you don’t have to pay tax on the money you receive.

That is different from some types of income protection insurance where you do pay tax.

Pro #3 – You can claim mortgage protection insurance on top of ACC.

This is unique. Most other insurances are offset against ACC.

That means if you are paid by ACC, you don’t also get paid by the insurance company.

So, let’s say John has income protection insurance. He comes off his mountain bike and breaks his leg in 2 places. He can’t work anymore.

Because he was injured (not sick), ACC pays him 80% of his income. Usually, he won’t get paid out by his income protection insurance. He’s already getting paid by ACC.

But what if he had mortgage protection cover instead? He’d get paid out by ACC and the insurance company.

Con #1 – You can’t insure as much income

Some income protection cover lets you insure up to 75% of your income.

Mortgage protection insurance will only allow you to insure up to 45% of your income or 115% of your mortgage repayment.

Con #2 – The cost of your insurance isn’t tax deductible

With income protection insurance, the cost of your insurance (the premiums) may be tax deductible.

But mortgage protection insurance is not tax deductible. That has some benefits; if you need to make a claim, your payout isn’t taxed either.

How do I get mortgage protection insurance?

As with any insurance, mortgage protection cover can be a good idea, but you need to get the right type.

You can decide that mortgage protection insurance is right for you, but then you still need to find the right insurance company and set it up properly.

After all, mortgage protection insurance is complex. So, what you need will differ from what the next person reading this article needs.

That’s why many Kiwis decide to speak to an insurance adviser. We don’t charge anything. We get paid a commission if we can help find the right insurance policy for you.

If you want to talk about income protection insurance, you can always email me directly – [email protected].

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Darryl Scott

Darryl Scott, Insurance Adviser

Darryl Scott is an Insurance Adviser at Opes Insurance in Auckland with over 30 years of Industry Experience. Darryl provides personal risk advice and claims assistance for individuals, families or businesses that require a functioning plan to provide funds in the event of an untimely death or major illness or injury.